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Curriculum at Mount Erin College in the junior years is focused around relevant and engaging programs which ensure that students develop high levels of academic and social competencies for their later years of schooling. Improving literacy and numeracy levels are an important focus with explicit teaching of these skills. Students are exposed to a variety of different subjects that they can explore to identify their own personal strengths and interests.

Integrated units at specific times throughout the year allow purposeful and practical application of various curriculum areas to be combined so that students get an in depth understanding of how mathematical, english, artistic, scientific, and their other subject concepts are applied and come together in real life.


Year 10 at Mount Erin college is the first steps students take towards VCE or VCAL, students will make a smooth transition in the senior school. Students are able to start to plan their future career pathway plans and start to make their transition into the real world.

Students spend most of their time in specialised learning areas with a dedicated team of teachers who are highly skilled in their subject areas, and who work together to engage students to develop lifelong learning skills and understand of the importance of planning and managing their time in order to achieve their personal best.

Year 10 Curriculum Highlights


The year 10 Aspire Curriculum provide a supported program where students explore their future choices and pathways. The program provides flexibility of place and/or time this allows students to par take in learning in the real world via Work experience. Year 10 ensures the relevance of the content to the learner’s interests and goals e.g. the use of comprehensive Individual Learning Plans allows for a strategic approach to student learning tasks.   Students will foster motivation and independent learning skills among learners through consultations with relevant adult connections this will help learners grow by taking responsibility for their own individual learning programs.

The Home Group teacher also facilitates the ‘I Aspire’ program that aims to promote a smooth transition into VCE or VCAL this provides opportunities for students to develop their ASPIRE values in a variety of ways. Some major Year 10 Aspire content that students will look at are study skills, Work Experience, Real life skills, Goal Setting, Road Safety.


Mount Erin welcomes you into the senior School by providing students with different opportunities. A major Highlight in 2018 is the Central Australia Camp. This camp offers students the opportunity to experience some of Australia’s most breathtaking and iconic sights as well as interact with cultures significantly removed from their own. These experiences in themselves offer significant learning opportunities in areas of science, humanities, the arts and health to name but a few. In addition, for many students this would be an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Within The year 10 Program, all students will participate in Work Experience. Students in year 10 undertake practical training and experience in a real work environment. This allows students to display their skills and talents in the real world. This will allow students to grow and undertake different responsibility for their own learning and their career pathways plans.


The focus of Year 11 for students is the beginning of their Senior School Certificate.
At Mount Erin College we offer both VCAL and VCE programs.

At Mount Erin our VCAL Program delivers explicit teaching in the four different strands of the VCAL Curriculum. Students apply their knowledge of each area whilst undertaking practical activities in and out of school, and working with the wider school community. They also complete complimentary studies from VET Programs and Structured Workplace Learning.

VCE students study English and a range of subjects targeted to their career pathway beyond secondary schooling.

Year 11 Curriculum Highlights


The College ASPIRE values form the basis of our I ASPIRE program and at Year 11 the key focus areas aim to  give students the opportunity to look into their career pathways, learn study techniques and complete team building activities.  This program is run with the Year 11 Home Group teachers and further strengthens the positive working relationship between the teacher and students.

Students hear from numerous guest speakers, including the Australian Defence Force, the Police and other careers groups.

Year 11 students have a focus on improving study techniques and have access to seminars from Elevate as well as using the Edrolo program as a key component of many of their VCE subjects.


There are many unique events and learning opportunities for students in the year level. The first of these is the Presentation Ball.  Students participate in dancing lessons as part of the preparation for this special night.
Fit2Drive is a key part of our program to ensure the students are ready for their first driving experiences.
At Mount Erin College, we are linked closely with Monash University through their SAM program (Schools Access Monash).  Our students participate in the Monash University Personal Development day where they will explore their career options and the development of skills to make their goals a reality.


Year 12 is an important year for students as they finish their senior certificate (VCAL or VCE) and prepare for their pathway beyond secondary schooling.
At Mount Erin College our students have access to career information as well as having time to investigate courses and tertiary institutions that are relevant to them.  This is supported by our Careers team and the Senior School teaching team.
VCE students study English and specific subjects that they are interested in and that are linked to their individual career pathways.

At Mount Erin our VCAL Program delivers explicit teaching in the four different strands of the VCAL Curriculum. Students apply their knowledge of each area whilst undertaking practical activities in and out of school, and working with the wider school community. They also complete complimentary studies from VET Programs and Structured Workplace Learning.

Year 12 Curriculum Highlights


The Year 12 I ASPIRE program meets the needs of Year 12 students by supporting them through their final year in a program which addresses the many challenges and administrative requirements of VCE. The Year 12 Conference held in the first week of school inspires students to set high expectations of themselves, reflect on previous performances and utilise the expertise of many guest speakers and external providers to commence their Year 12 with a thirst for achieving their personal best. The full year program also includes study management and the maintenance of a positive mindset and healthy lifestyle. Students create careers portfolios, plan for effective home-study and the use of Edrolo to reinforce learning experiences outside of the classroom. Students are guided through VCAA and VTAC processes and documentation and participate in exam preparation tutorials.

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